Do you want to pay less for your childcare? Are you eligible for 30 FREE childcare hours at The Valley Nursery & Kids Club?
Here’s a link to a newly launched government website, Childcare Choices. It explains new ways to help you as parents and carers with childcare costs.
It is suitable for parents with children from babies to teenagers.
The information is clear and easily accessible. It also allows parents to register to receive an email when the new government system to check eligibility for the 30 hours extended entitlement for 3 and 4-year-olds is operational.
At The Valley Nursery & Kids Club, we will be offering the 30 hours (term time) or stretched hours (over 52 weeks of the year) for all eligible families with pre-school aged children.
If you have any questions about the 30 hours entitlement, stop by the office to ask the team.